The question in every marketers’s mind is how the use of AI is going to impact the digital marketing world in 2024. So lets cut through the noise and get down to it.

Tesla image generated by Stable Diffusion

1) Generative AI in the creative side of marketing.

In a world where there isn’t a day that passes by without a new startup offering a novel use of AI, the key is to understand how AI is going to impact your use of marketing.

The use of generative AI is to use the power of contextual searching like ChatGPT, Microsoft Copilot and Anthropic’s Claude.

So, here’s a little test with each one with the search term , “what is the best christmas present for a 10 year old boy?”

Here is a fun example of a campaign generated from Expansify AI for Lego based Titanic.

The key is to ensure that AI complements effectively your messaging contextually as well as visually. Now let’s look at the visual part.

2) Visualisation AI in the creative side of marketing.

There are plenty of AI tools there, so let’s look at a few. Midjourney is a brilliant tool for generating highly creative photos for all purposes from course design to marketing business across all sectors. This AI tool for marketing is no longer free.

Stable diffusion is an amazing AI tool for targeted specific prompts and creating highly aesthetically pleasing images in different styles. Here’s an image generated by Stable Diffusion a girl playing violin on the beach as onlookers adore her talents.

Then, there is the wonderful Microsoft’s Bing which produces realistic looking AI photos, good for any marketing campaign as along as they are composed together with great text as a Campaign. Here is an example of a prompt for a woman on Vespa in Rome.

Then there is the Expansify AI tool which brings it all together and you can edit to optimise the impact you may want to create for your campaigns.

2) Using AI creative to publish marketing campaigns across channels

Now that you have the finished with the most important part of your digital marketing by creating an impactful campaign creative using AI generative, the next step is to publish that across all communication channels – email marketing, social channels, ppc including social media and google/youtube. You might want to consider how you may use the campaigns to help with the inbound side of the digital marketing using SEO. 

We at Expansify AI feel that this step of publishing is more about using Machine Learning layer of the AI to train the platform to optimise the best channels for communictions ie you may want to stagger your communication across all channels by leading and lagging and channels or you may want to only use certain channels for the maximum impact at certain times. Either way, AI-powered data platforms should be should be highly leveraged to make such critical decisions. platform uses learning based data algorithms to feed and learn programmatic publishing. In one-platform the user can move across different journey points from using  AI generative to create the campaign creative, and then move onto optimally publishing it across the various channels depending on the strategy.